Chef Jane Sarchet
Jane Sarchet is a farmer’s daughter, a food writer, photographer, recipe creator and founder of The Hedgecombers, a blog and YouTube channel which she shares with her online community of real food adventurers.
Jane created The Hedgecombers in 2008, writing about her rural life, idyllic life and creating recipes using real food ingredients. The blog has developed into a community of over 170,000 followers and Jane records her adventures on her YouTube channel of the same name.
Jane champions simple ingredients, foraging wild foods, traditional cooking methods, buying local produce and supporting compassionate farming practices. Her Masterclass series, One Pot Campervan Recipes champions simple, easy no-fuss recipes that are easily accessible.
• 2 slices of bread
• Butter
• Smoked, streaky bacon
• Sundried tomato pesto
• Lettuce
1. Fry bacon till crisp, and toast the bread.
2. Butter the toast, then spread with the pesto.
3. Finally layer up with the lettuce and bacon and devour.

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