"This is a great mix of flavours. The lamb is the true hero here, but the goat's curd, rosemary and milk crumbs add a real depth to the dish. At the moment I'm loving Barnsley lamb."
If you're still deciding what you're going to cook, you can put those recipe books down because it doesn't get better than this Lamb and Carrot Recipe from Mike Reid of M Restaurants.
Read on to discover Mike's recipe, and remember to shop our Parson's Nose Meat Collection to get the best cuts available.
four 2-rib lamb cutlets, at room temperature
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
280g carrots, peeled and cut into 'ribbons' using a mandolin or meat slicer, to garnish
watercress sprigs, to garnish
160ml Red Wine Jus, hot
For the carrot purée:
15g unsalted butter
185g carrots, peeled and very thinly sliced
1 tablespoon water
50ml whipping cream
For the rosemary and milk crumb:
65g unsalted butter, chilled
2 tablespoons milk powder
1/2 teaspoon finely chopped rosemary needles
75ml crème fraîche
75g goat's curd
To make the carrot purée, melt the butter in a saucepan with a tight-fitting lid over a medium heat. Add the carrots and water, cover and steam until the carrots are very tender. Uncover and leave any excess liquid to evaporate over a very low heat.
Add the cream to the pan and bring to the boil. Transfer to a small food processor and blitz until smooth. Pass through a fine sieve. Season with salt and pepper to taste, then set aside for reheating when required.
To make the rosemary milk crumb, melt the butter in a saucepan over a low heat until it turns golden brown. Add the milk powder and whisk constantly until the milk solids turn golden – watch closely so they don’t catch on the bottom of the pan and burn. Add the rosemary needles, then pass through a fine sieve.
Tip the milk curds left in the sieve on to kitchen paper and leave to drain. When they are dry, mix them with the crème fraîche and goat’s curd. Cover and chill until required.
When ready to cook, preheat the oven to 180 ˚C / Gas Mark 4. Heat a dry, ovenproof sauté pan over a high heat. Add the cutlets, fat side down, and sear to colour the fat. Season the cutlets with salt and pepper to taste, then roast for 8 minutes for medium-rare. Leave the cutlets to rest for 5 minutes, covered with kitchen foil, then cut each into 2 chops.
To serve, spread the carrot purée in a little pool, and serve extra in a jug on the side if desired. Add the carrot strips and top with the chops. Add a quenelle of rosemary milk crumb to each portion, garnish with watercress and serve immediately.
Here's some products that might interest you... See our London veg boxes, premium lamb meat, chicken, charcuterie and more. Shop our online butcher shop for more.