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Sarah Green

Sarah’s enduring passion is to help you to feel better through food.

She runs a successful private consulting practice in London, helping people with chronic disease to minimise symptoms and optimise their health outcomes on a one-to-one basis through diet and lifestyle changes. She looks at the person rather than the condition, so she can get to the root cause of what is driving your symptoms. Her practice includes functional testing and monitoring.

In her role as Deputy Chair of the British Association of Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine, Sarah works to engage community leaders and policy makers to support nutrition education in the community. She is BANT’s representative on the All Party Parliamentary Group for Diabetes.

Her ambition is for Nutritional Therapy and Functional Medicine to be accessible to people that need it at all levels of society. In 2014 she established local community talks to reach the most disadvantaged with practical and usable preventative healthcare education. In this Masterclass she makes accessible, affordable and easy meals.

Video Description

In this masterclass Nutritionist Sarah Green will teach you to make simple and healthy meals that will help you eat the rainbow everyday. You'll also learn a thing or two about why certain foods are good for us.

Sarah shows us how we can give our chocolate cupcakes an healthy kick by adding in some orange squash, in this episode of her masterclass.

These are also a great treat for school lunch boxes if you're looking for a treat that's on the healthier side. 


  • 1 packet of chocolate cake mix

  • 1 cup of squash (blended)
  • 1 tsp of baking powder
  • 100g of almonds
  • 1 extra egg
  • Oil per the recipe
  • Eggs per recipe


  1. For the squash, bake a whole squash in the oven at 180 degrees for about 30 - 40 minutes until it dents when you press it.

  2. Make the cake per the packet recipe.
  3. Add the squash, the extra egg, baking powder, almonds.
  4. Put the packet cake mix in a bowl.
  5. Add the number of eggs on the packet plus one more egg (e.g if the recipe asks for 4 eggs - use 5).
  6. Blend the squash with the water from the cake mix instructions (if your mix doesn’t need water you can blend the squash on its own).
  7. Pour the cake batter into cup cake tin and top with nuts (optional).
  8. Bake per the packet instructions until a fork comes out clean.
  9. Walnuts for garnish.

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