Andrea Justova
In March 2016 Andrea left the Czech Republic, and came to the UK to follow her passion for cooking. She started working as an au-pair for a family and studied at the College of Naturopathic Medicine in London, where she qualified as a Natural Chef. The course was focused on using natural and fresh ingredients to create therapeutic menus for different health conditions and to support general wellbeing. Andrea learned how to create gluten, dairy and refined sugar free menus and also to be able to offer plant based dishes as well as animal protein-based dishes.
She has worked for years as a private, personal family Chef. In this Masterclass she shares some of her favourite recipes which her grandma used to cook for her, and recreates them to add more nutrients and to make them as accessible and appealing to children.
Video Description
In this masterclass, family chef Andrea Justova will teach you how to make healthier, more delicious versions of all the old favourite children's classics.
Learn how to make a naturally sweet treat in this episode with Chef Andrea. These fruit jellies are sweetened with honey making them a healthier version, but still keeping you popular with the kids.
50ml pomegranate juice
- 1 tsp honey
- 1 tbsp gelatine
In a small saucepan, combine all ingredients.
- Place the saucepan over a medium heat and stir constantly until all the ingredients are combined and the gelatine is dissolved but don’t let it reach the boil.
- When the mixture starts to steam, turn off the heat and pour into the mould.
- Refrigerate for 30 minutes and then remove from the mould.
- Store in the fridge in an airtight container.