Simon Braz
Inspired by his Asian travels, Chef Simon Braz brings you three distinctly Japanese dishes.
Firstly, a Seared Tuna Bowl with Pickled Vegetables & Wasabi Mayonnaise, which is his take on a traditional Poke bowl. Secondly, Okonomiyaki - an extremely popular Japanese street food from Osaka. Lastly, Teriyaki Chicken Burgers with Asian slaw, an American style burger using Japanese ingredients that really turns this burger into something special.
Video Description
This recipe is Chef Simon Braz’s take on a Poké bowl. Poké bowl is usually marinated fish served over rice and served with pickles.
But adding wasabi mayonnaise really gives it a rich full flavour while maintaining the cleanness from the pickles and sushi rice. It really is a trip for the senses with just seared tuna, pickled mushrooms, fresh edamame beans and decadent wasabi mayonnaise.
2 x 200g tuna steak
50ml light soy sauce
20ml sesame oil
200g sushi rice
250ml water
6 radishes
15 fresh shiitake mushrooms
3inch piece of Japanese mouli
30g peeled edamame beans
10g toasted sesame seeds
10g black onion seeds
25ml rice wine vinegar
25ml sake
25g sugar
8g wasabi
50g kewpie mayonnaise
Mix soy sauce and sesame oil and marinade tuna and leave in the fridge.
Bring to boil vinegar, sake and sugar and leave to cook.
Cut shiitakes into quarters and place in a bowl. Peel and slice mouli thinly and place into another bowl. Once the sake vinegar liquid has cooled divide between the mushrooms and mouli and leave to pickle.
To cook the rice: First put rice in a bowl and fill with cold water and mix by hand to wash out the starch. Repeat this process 2-3 times.
Put the rice into a saucepan with 250ml water and 1/2 a teaspoon of salt.
Cook the rice on high heat at first, stir every minute or two, until the water boils. Then, lower the heat to low and cover the pot.
After 6-8 min, check the water level – If there is no more water, only bigger grains of rice in the pot, that means the rice is ready. If not, check back every minute, making sure not to burn the rice at the bottom. Leave to stand for a few minutes then mix in the two types of sesame seeds.
Mix the wasabi and mayonnaise together and set aside.
Heat a frying pan on a high heat until smoking. Add a little oil and cook the tuna on each side for 1-2 minutes until seared. Remove and slice thinly. Drizzle mayonnaise on top.
Grate the radishes on the fine side.
Place rice into centre of bowl and add the mushrooms, mouli, edamame beans and radish on the edge of the rice.
Top with sliced tuna and enjoy!