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Cote de Boeuf is as about royal as you can get in the meat world. It is graceful and elegant and if cooked correctly, it will always be a meal to remember. It is basically a rib eye steak on the bone and at Parson’s Nose, we serve them on a single rib bone weighing in at a massive 1kg.

Together with Macus Bawdon… Mr BBQ and the award winning author of Food and Fire. Parson’s Nose will deliver the meat and Marcus has given you the a winning method to cook the ultimate Cote de Boeuf.


1kg Cote de Boeuf


Chimichurri (optional)



  1. Bring your BBQ to temperature (gas or coals)
  2. If using a coal BBQ, add some smoking wood chips, like cherry wood to add a light smoke to the meat.
  3. Make sure your Cote de Boeuf is at room temperature and lightly salt both sides
  4. Place the meat on the grill and close the hood, if you have one. Remember not to place it on the direct heat (ie right on top of the coals or gas flame)
  5. After about 4 minutes, turn the meat and cover again with the hood
  6. Check the meat regularly and for the perfect medium rare finish, use a temperature probe to reach that all important 57 degrees Celsius
  7. Remove the meat and leave it to rest for at least 5 minutes
  8. Slice and serve with some Chimichurri


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 180 to 200 degrees Celsius
  2. Make sure your Cote de Boeuf is at room temperature and lightly salt both sides
  3. Heat a pan to sear both sides of the meat for a couple of minutes each side
  4. Place on a tray, add a knob of butter to the top and put in the oven for about 20-23 minutes for medium
  5. Remove the meat and leave it to rest for at least 5 minutes
  6. Slice and serve with some Chimichurri

Marcus Bawdon will be coming to London to host some exclusive BBQ sessions with Parsons nose later in 2020… out for your invitation!

Want to see more? We've got a whole BBQ range including out BBQ meat boxes. Shop now to get your Parson's Nose Cote de Boeuf and make your meal truly something.

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